Saturday, February 25, 2006

Indoor Hat

I bought an indoor hat this winter. Yup, a hat that is meant to be worn inside your house, a bar, in Starbucks, or anywhere else with 4 walls and a ceiling. I became intrigued with the idea of an indoor hat while skiing in Vail 2 years ago. They were not popular, but I saw a couple of people wearing hats inside. The hats were not like other hats - they were different. I was interested in knowing the stories of the people wearing the hats. Were they ski bums? Trust fund kids? or just good kids having a blast for 1 winter in Vail before they got a real job. I decided they were the latter and I wanted their lifestyle. I wanted my own indoor hat.

I was 37 years old but wanted to live the lifestyle of an indoor hat wearer. Cool, hip, trendy, and it would even keep my balding head warm. I was in and I knew that I was one of the first to recognize the need to have one.

But I looked for one that told the world who I am. Brim or No Brim? Cotton or Wool? Reggae Style or Bomber Style? There were too many choices and not enough time to drag my wife and friends around from store to store in search of the perfect indoor hat. So, I left Vail hatless - but knew that I had to act quickly. I had to be an Early Adopter of the indoor hat. Nothing worse than recognizing a trend, but not taking action. (ie. Not buying an iPod back in 2001). But it was spring and hats were long gone from the shelves back home. Wait til next year.

The next winter came and went, but the indoor hat craze never materialized. Thank God. I looked around casually for a hat worthy of purchase, but they were still hard to come by and never found the right one.

Fast forward to the next winter. January 2006, skiing in Snowbird with some old work friends. Then I saw the kid who looked like he was out of college spending the winter chasing the snow, with the coolest looking indoor hat I had ever seen. Then I saw a girl working the register was wearing one. Then a ski instructor was spotted with one. That was it. I needed one and knew time was running out.

Next stop was the ski shop. Tried on about 5 styles and then I saw it - Olive colored, Cotton, Spyder, with the half brim. It fit my head perfectly. Here it is:

I am now the proud owner of my very own indoor hat. My friends poke fun at me...but I know that they will someday have one too.

I feel like I am in the Indoor Hat Early Adopter's Club. Kind of like the first kids to wear Teva's around. Nobody cool used to wear sandals - then some kids started wearing Teva's. A couple of years later, everyone had their very own Teva's. Then the inevitable happens, the quality of the product degrades, they go out of style, and the Early Adopters move on.....

Don't miss the Indoor Hat wave. I say 2008 is the breakout year for the indoor hat, which ensures us 2 years of "status". Like being a Platinum Medallion frequent flyer. I am wearing mine as much as possible, knowing the day will come when I will see Indoor Hats on sale at Wal Mart for $2.99. Don't wait - go get yours today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's the picture of you wearing said "indoor hat"? That'll be my true judge of style.

Oh, and thanks for being honest about the need to keep your "balding head" warm, I like real requirements.

8:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To confirm - the hat is to be "Cool, hip, trendy" - and "keep my balding head warm" is just a side benefit - right?

Just want to make sure this isn't an alternative to a comb-over or toupee.

I don't see the indoor hat craze sweeping those that wash their hair often (ski bum, ski instructor fall are outside that category). I am afraid you might be viewed with the same disdain as the 50 year old with the Britney Spears concert shirt. Clueless rather than cool.

Just my 2 cents.


10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

while your "blogging" who's watching the kids?

10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great piece! Can be read on many levels. Of course I hear the one I can relate to the most - the concern about staying relevant even as time resolutely marches on.

5:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please dont buy Uggs next

9:16 AM  

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